on pleasantries, instead attempting to calm his steed sucientlyto keepup with the now- moving unit. The horse was a charger, bred for battle,and while it had notgiven him a moment’s trouble while he was ghtingorcs, it clearly did not like the scent of the undeadin its nostrils.He couldn’t blame it, but its skittishness made him think ofInvincible’s great heart andutter lack of fear. He forced the thoughtaway; it was a distraction. He needed to focus, not mourn abeast evenmore surely dead than the lumbering corpses that were being blown tobits.Jaina and his men fell in behind him, catching those who weren’tquite destroyed by mortar re andthose who stumbled in from the sidesand behind him. Energy lled him, owed through him, as aion cheap wowgold buy wow power
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