nostrils and he grinned, grateful again for Jaina’spresence, and hestill fought on. He glanced about, panting. Thus far he had lost not asingle man, andJaina, though pale with exertion, was unharmed.“Arthas!”Jaina’s voice, strong and clear, pierced through the din. Arthasdispatched the carcass thatwas attempting to decapitate him with ascythe and in the brief pause that aorded him glanced at her.She waspointing up ahead, preparatory re already glowing in her palms andlimning her ngers.“Look!”He turned his gaze to where she was pointingand his eyes narrowed. Up ahead was a cluster ofhumans—obviously livinghumans judging by their movements—clad in black. They weregesturing—casting, or pointing—clearly directing the movements aioncheap wow gold buy wow power
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