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Blog de yjn91119

19 de Noviembre, 2009 · General

after we kill it - wow power leveling

after we kill it, okay?” Arthas shot back, and charged. The abominableexperimentapproached, uttering guttural noises and swinging an axe asbig as Arthas was tall. He leaped out ofthe way, rolling and springinglightly back up on his feet to charge the monstrosity from behind.Threeof his men, two with polearms, did the same, and the hideous thingwas quickly dispatched. Even as hebattled ercely, he watched the magiout of the corner of his eye as they turned and rushed throughtheirportal. And then they were gone. The undead they had abandoned allstopped in their tracks,ndirected corpses that were quicklydestroyed.“Dammit!” Arthas cried. A hand fell on his arm and he jerkedit back, his features softening slightlyas he saw it was aion cheap wowgold buy wow power leveling And waited. Fandral formed his lines andstood at the forefront of the ranks as Stormcrows circled wow powerleveling overhead wow power levelingand Druids in bear form clawed the dirt in anticipation, all watchingintently. Moments later the ocean of insects parted, and the hulkingform of the Qiraji general approached, wow gold carrying a woundedfigure in its clawed appendage. It proceeded to the front of the Qirajilines and held Valstann Staghelm aloft for all to see. Southwind FallenGasps wow power levelingspread throughout the ranks. Shiromar felt her heart sink. Fandralstood mute, knowing that wow power leveling Southwind had fallen, andfearing that his son may already be dead. He cursed himself forallowing the wow gold boy to leave and stood, frozen by a mixture offear, anger and despair. Within the general's claw, Valstann stirredand spoke to the general, though he was too far away to be heard. Atonce the spell that had fallen over Fandral broke and he boltedforward, followed by the night elf forces, but the distance wasgreat... and even before the Qiraji general wow power leveling acted,Shiromar wow power levelingknew they could not reach Valstann in time. The Qiraji general fixedhis second wow gold claw onto Valstann's bloodied form, and with bothhe squeezed... and pulled apart, separating the young night elf's bodyat the waist. Fandral slowed, faltered, aion power levelingand fell to his knees, the onrushing night elves parting around him. Asthe two forces finally clashed, a sandstorm rushed in from the east,blocking out all light; choking, stifling. Shiromar wow power levelingfelt the winds force her movements nearly to a halt. She blocked hereyes as best she could, the howling wind wow gold buffeting her ears,drowning out the sounds of battle and the screams of her dyingcomrades. Through the chaos she glimpsed World of Warcraft Power Levelingthe murky, behemoth shadow of the Qiraji general not far away, slashingand reaping through rows of night elves wow power leveling like a power leveling wow harvester shearing wheat. Then she heard Fandral, wow goldhis voice ghostly through the storm, calling for the wow gold armies tofall back. Much of what followed seemed to happen rather quickly,although in fact it took days: Fandral led his forces out of Silithus,through the mountain passes and into the bowl of Un'Goro Crater, thesilithid and Qiraji legions never far behind, consuming those who felljust beyond the protection of the primary power leveling force. Ungoro Crater: Fire Plume Ridge Once inside Un'Goro however a strange thing aion goldhappened: word spread throughout the ranks that the Qiraji had fallenback, just as the forces had passed the edge of the crater.asdyujianing091119 Jaina. He wasn’t in the mood for comforting orexplanations, and he had to dosomething, anything, to compensate forthe men in black robes vanishing on him. “Destroy thatwarehouse,now!”“Aye, Yer Highness! Let’s go lads!” The dwarves surged forward, aseager as he to seize some kindof victory. The cannons rolled over thedead men and the dead soil, until they were within range.“Fire!” Dargalcried. As one, the cannons roared, and Arthas felt a hot surge ofpleasure as thegranary crumbled beneath the assault.“Jaina! Burn what’sleft of it!” She was already lifting her hands before he startedspeaking; they didwork well together, he thought. An enormous ball ofcrackling ame sprang from her hands, and thegranary and its contentsignited immediately. They waited, watching it burn, so that the re didnotspread. With the land so desiccated, a re could quickly get out ofcontrol.Arthas ran a hand through his sweat- sti blond hair. The heatcoming o the burning granary wasoppressive and he yearned for a breeze.He walked away a short distance, and prodded the fallen palething witha plated boot. His foot sank into the soft esh and he wrinkled hisnose. Jaina followed him.Upon closer examination, it looked like shehad been right—that the thing was indeed cobbledtogether out of otherbody parts.Arthas suppressed a shudder. “The magi—dressed inblack…”“I—I’m afraid they were necromancers,” Jaina said. “Just like wediscussed earlier.”“What noo?” Dargal had come up behind them and waseyeing

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