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Blog de yjn91119

19 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
a smooth voice. The wind shifted, drivingthe smoke in a dierentdirection, and Arthas could now see a black- robed gure standing only ashortdistance away. Arthas tensed. This, then, was the leader. Thenecromancer was smiling now, his facedimly glimpsed in the shadow ofhis hood, a smirk that Arthas burned to cut o his face. Beside himweretwo of his pet undead. “You’ve found me. I am Kel’Thuzad.”Jaina gaspedin recognition at the name, and her hand ew to her mouth. Arthas sparedher a quickglance,... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91119 a las 04:01 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
19 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
the fallen abomination with disguston his face.“Necromancers. Magi whohave dabbled in dark magic—who can raise and control thedead.Obviously, they and whomever they serve are behind this plague.”She lifted her serious blue eyes toArthas. “Demonic energy may beinvolved, but I think it’s clear that we started down the wrongpath.”“Necromancers…creating a plague to get more raw material fortheir unholy army,” Arthasmurmured, glancing back toward the now-smoking ruins of the granary. “I want them.... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91119 a las 04:01 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
19 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
after we kill it, okay?” Arthas shot back, and charged. The abominableexperimentapproached, uttering guttural noises and swinging an axe asbig as Arthas was tall. He leaped out ofthe way, rolling and springinglightly back up on his feet to charge the monstrosity from behind.Threeof his men, two with polearms, did the same, and the hideous thingwas quickly dispatched. Even as hebattled ercely, he watched the magiout of the corner of his eye as they turned and rushed throughtheirportal. And then... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91119 a las 04:01 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
19 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
nostrils and he grinned, grateful again for Jaina’spresence, and hestill fought on. He glanced about, panting. Thus far he had lost not asingle man, andJaina, though pale with exertion, was unharmed.“Arthas!”Jaina’s voice, strong and clear, pierced through the din. Arthasdispatched the carcass thatwas attempting to decapitate him with ascythe and in the brief pause that aorded him glanced at her.She waspointing up ahead, preparatory re already glowing in her palms andlimning her ngers.“Look!”He... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91119 a las 04:01 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
19 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
on pleasantries, instead attempting to calm his steed sucientlyto keepup with the now- moving unit. The horse was a charger, bred for battle,and while it had notgiven him a moment’s trouble while he was ghtingorcs, it clearly did not like the scent of the undeadin its nostrils.He couldn’t blame it, but its skittishness made him think ofInvincible’s great heart andutter lack of fear. He forced the thoughtaway; it was a distraction. He needed to focus, not mourn abeast evenmore surely dead than... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91119 a las 04:00 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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